Friday, February 27, 2009


Paisley is growing so quickly it's hard to believe. I have all of these things that go through my mind as I think about the life I want for her. Will she recognize early on her divine worth? Will she fall in love with a man who recognizes it too? Will she repeat my mistakes?
This week has really been interesting and without going into detail I can say that I am constantly reminded that our Heavenly Father loves us, knows us each individually and wants us to be happy. Each time I put my trust in him things just work out :D

This last week I was able to talk to both Amber and Angelica "Gel" and it was really nice although my conversation with Gel was first interrupted by Paisley and then when it was continued it was interrupted a bit later by a call I had to take, so we'll have to try again Gel. I am learning how important it is to keep in touch, we all have so much to learn from each other and I really do enjoy my sister in laws, I still haven't called Mitzi, but I will at some point, I think it's because we live within a few miles (50) and I do get to see her fairly often when we go to Grants Pass.

I also want to get better at calling my Foutz SIL's it's on my "list". I am just learning how to manage my time with Paisley and take advantage of those moments I do have to connect with people that I love.

I am blessed because all in all our little Paisley is a joy and usually pretty happy! I've got some happy pictures of her today...she sure makes me want to be my best self. She's discovered her hands and loves to suck on them!

Oh and as a side note, I've been seriously thinking about writing a book. I know RANDOM, but really it's crossed my mind for many years now so sometime in the next few months I am hoping to figure out what topic I'd like to write on and put a few things down on the computer and start that project :) So far I am thinking something along the lines of being comfortable in your own skin....I know as if that hasn't been covered and anyone reading this might also think I'm a terrible person to write on that topic, but what can I really what can I say ? :)

Those are my thoughts for today...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Carseat battle appears to be over!

We've done it...Paisley and I took our first semi long car ride together to go from Ashland to Grants Pass (1 hour each way) to get our taxes done. I know why drive an hour??? I love the CPA we use there...she's fantastic, she finds us tax benefits that are really cheating!
I was so nervous about this car ride because it could really go terribly wrong, but Jake had an exam and we had to get our taxes done to file his FAFSA so I had to be brave!
It went wonderfully, my little Paisley did so well, hardly any tears!!!!

She's now gotten to the point where she can be put in her car seat awake and she doesn't scream at you and she does pretty good in the car unless she's in need of food or a diaper change!
I know it's probably not that big of a deal to those who might read this (if any), but it was a big deal to me and I wanted to document it :) So here it is....

On Friday the 13th of February, Paisley did her first decent car trip alone w/ Mommy and she was a star! Go figure Friday the 13th, my lucky day :)

And for fun, here is another picture of my Pretty Paisley for ya :) She loves her little "jungle gym" (that's what I call it) Thanks to Dave, Cory and Noah for passing it on to us when Noah outgrew it! See how big she is...that little sleeper says 0-9 mos and she's pushing the limit length wise!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paisley's a talker!

I know it's not entirely true, but she is already talking to me :) Check out my video :)

Okay I know I sound like a nerd....but isn't she a doll?

Paisley's blessing 2/1/2009

Paisley Heather Foutz was blessed by her father last Sunday. It was a wonderful moment and I am so grateful to my husband for being worthy to do that. Paisley is truly our shining star.

We had some of her cousins come into town and visit, here is Bob (Laurie my MIL) with Kendall, Benjamin and Natalie Foutz making donuts...yes she's amazing, she knows how to make donuts that taste fantastic from scratch!

This is a picture of the guys at the luncheon afterwards, from left to right: Heath Riley, Steven Foutz, Tyler Foutz, Jacob Foutz, Stu Grannis, Tyler Grannis, Britt Grannis and Adam Ivey.
This is another picture of our little angel in her blessing dress that Auntie Marsha and Alise loaned to her, it was perfect!

This is my SIL Susan Foutz (married to Tyler Foutz, Jake's oldest brother), they came all the way out from SLC area to be with us on our special day. She's the photographer who caught everything on film for me too! I'm grateful because I didn't take one picture on my own. :)

This is Grandpa Steve or Riggs whichever you choose holding the two newest Foutz Grandbabies, Collin Riggs Foutz and Paisley Heather Foutz.

And these are all the Foutz Grandbabies so far....Angie and Mario Apreotesi are working on a Summer baby to add to the group :)

All in all it was a wonderful weekend. We thank all those who came to support us and Paisley. You know who you are!