Sunday, October 31, 2010

Baby Claire Rose Foutz

I'm a little late in posting this, but better late than never!!!

Claire Rose Foutz joined us on Oct. 7, 2010 at 9:03am weighing 7lbs 5oz and being 20.5 inches long.

She's a joy and Paisley is doing really well with her also!

Here are some pictures in no particular order!

Uncle Tyler & Claire

Paisley in the hospital room, she played in the privacy curtain

Brand new Claire

Our girls in their chairs

Daddy & the girls

Mommy & Claire at Lithia Park (2.5 weeks old)

Brand new Baby Claire

Bunk Beds!!!!

Super new Baby Claire

Just prior to our C-Section

We are all happy and healthy and so grateful to have our sweet little family of FOUR!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Play Dates and other social opportunities!

Aren't just for the kids.  Wish I'd taken some pictures of P running around with Kyla.  She's still learning to play WITH kids.  She mostly plays BY them, but she will run around with them if they are running through the house or around a table!  It was so fun to watch her grow!

But really this is about ME!  It was SO nice to get out and talk with a girlfriend (a new one which makes it neat on another level too) and just visit!  Sometimes we don't realize how much we need to just get out and be social.  I have many a time realized I hadn't left the house in multiple days!

This last weekend I got a chance to go to the dinner preceding and the General RS broadcast.  It was stake wide of course so I had the opportunity to see some old friends I hadn't seen in a while from previous wards!  I could think of lots of excuses to not go, and I am SO glad I did!  It was so fun to see those women who I just adore and enjoy being around!  Not to mention the broadcast was great!

I hope when #2 comes (in less than 2 weeks!!!!!) I remember how important it is to take care of myself too!  It's so easy to hole up and be hermit-like (especially for me).  So friends (whoever might happen to read this) remind me.  Help me to help myself and come visit me and give me opportunities to visit with you.  I have a blast every time I do!

That's all I got for today. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


We've been running around like crazy people this summer!  We've gone camping (Paisley and I, with family) at Harris Beach, been to Lake Tahoe, then up to Portland and next week out to Utah!  We just keep going and going and going!  I haven't really taken the time to blog, but I want to so that I can have a little record of our sweet little family's life, so here are some pictures of our adventures!

Well all of them are of Paisley at Tahoe, but still cute!

naked bum!

This girl is not afraid of water!

tired baby

just sitting in the water...she'd do that all day if she could!

Monday, May 10, 2010

fun with the family on Mom's Day

We had a lot of fun just hanging out with Bob, Reggie, Jed, Crystal, Natalie and Collin.  Paisley LOVED being around her cousins and it's like she grows every time we are around them!  Paisley had her first time in a hot tub and also her first time really sharing a trampoline with anyone, she did GREAT!  Here are some pictures of our day!

These next two aren't from Mother's Day, but I couldn't resist!  In the first one she's got her diaper cover on her head and doesn't even care and the 2nd one she's been lounging on her recliner and is having a great time!  Love my family!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

project storage bins!

I found these "bulk bins" at pottery barn kids and LOVE them...but can't seem to justify it in my mind to spend $99 (not including shipping) to own them...yeah that's for just one row...and I think they look cute stacked....SO I asked my husband next time we move if he would make these for Paisley.  We already have pale pink paint (color name is "daddy's little girl" so cute) so we'd just have to buy the wood...aren't they so neat?

I'm just glad my husband can do that!

Made me think of my brothers...they all could cool is that!?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pineapple, Unisom and B6....

Gonna try them all to try and kick the boody of this nausea.  My pregnancy with Paisley was way to easy and apparently it's time I was shown what some women go through!  I've taken 2.5 hour naps yesterday and today and I'm not a napper.  I have to fight myself to eat, I don't want to...even though I know not eating will make me more nauseaus (is that how you spell that?)

this post could be titled..."I'm a whiner and a lazy bum" OR "I'm Pregnant".

Either way...I'm sick!

I don't know what I'd do without the support Jake gives me.  He has taken on full time care of Paisley when he's home.  He doesn't hesitate to ask me if I need something...he rubs my feet and my back and neck and plays with my hair....and he doesn't complain about the tower of laundry he's been slowing knocking out.  He's a saint!  P and I are truly blessed to have him!

I did vacuum today...phew...think I'll lay down!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Paisley is really blessed to have some really cute cousins who are all so nice to her!  Here are a few of them we got to see within the last month!

This is Ciera, Cody and Paisley VERY interested in Ciera's game.  I thought this was so cute.  Very Girly!

Alise was so attentive at Grandpa Britt and Nana Chris' house, they played and played.
And even posed for a picture!
Paisley was never far from Alise, and Auntie Marsha was her friend too...she liked Uncle Sky from a distance!
On the way home we stopped at a rest area so P could get out and play and get out some of her wiggles...
She really liked the tree and was so proud of herself!

We forgot to have the camera out when Brody and Collin were around, they were so much fun to watch together.  They played and had fun and made the most of their time!

just the two of us!

Jake had his first dental school interview at UNLV last week.  For the first time EVER we left our sweet little Paisley at home with Ya Ya and went just the two of us!

We wandered the strip and toured some hotel/casinos and went to the Bellagio Buffet while we were there too.

We were lucky enough to stay with Aunt Wendy and Phil and Isaiah and Makaiah (ooh I hope I spelled that right), and were so grateful for them carting us around and making it a fun trip.