Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Paisley is really blessed to have some really cute cousins who are all so nice to her!  Here are a few of them we got to see within the last month!

This is Ciera, Cody and Paisley VERY interested in Ciera's game.  I thought this was so cute.  Very Girly!

Alise was so attentive at Grandpa Britt and Nana Chris' house, they played and played.
And even posed for a picture!
Paisley was never far from Alise, and Auntie Marsha was her friend too...she liked Uncle Sky from a distance!
On the way home we stopped at a rest area so P could get out and play and get out some of her wiggles...
She really liked the tree and was so proud of herself!

We forgot to have the camera out when Brody and Collin were around, they were so much fun to watch together.  They played and had fun and made the most of their time!


The Skillmans said...

Oh man! I can't believe how much Paisley has grown since we've seen you last. SOOOO CUTE! Oh we miss your family but we hope your having fun adventures where you are!

wholarmor said...

Too bad we didn't get Jayden and Alora together with her. They would have had a great time!