Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pineapple, Unisom and B6....

Gonna try them all to try and kick the boody of this nausea.  My pregnancy with Paisley was way to easy and apparently it's time I was shown what some women go through!  I've taken 2.5 hour naps yesterday and today and I'm not a napper.  I have to fight myself to eat, I don't want to...even though I know not eating will make me more nauseaus (is that how you spell that?)

this post could be titled..."I'm a whiner and a lazy bum" OR "I'm Pregnant".

Either way...I'm sick!

I don't know what I'd do without the support Jake gives me.  He has taken on full time care of Paisley when he's home.  He doesn't hesitate to ask me if I need something...he rubs my feet and my back and neck and plays with my hair....and he doesn't complain about the tower of laundry he's been slowing knocking out.  He's a saint!  P and I are truly blessed to have him!

I did vacuum today...phew...think I'll lay down!


Kari and Brandon said...

Congrats, on being preggers not sick! When are you due? I'm so excited for you!

Hfoutz said...

Hey Kari! We're due Oct. 17th...22 months apart for P and her sibling....should be interesting!