Sunday, December 13, 2009

The end of an era.....we have officially entered into Toddlerville!

I have already bought Paisley's Christmas Present and then I found this and really want her to have I may have to break down and get it...cuz she's such a cutie...

She's walking a little pro...that's life changing!  She's been sick the last 2 or 3 days which is always sad, so I spent some time reminiscing tonight about the sweetheart she is and how she's growing (cuz she turns 1 on Friday!) here's our little cute this last month!

She wanted the camera...she can be pretty convincing!

She got over it (isn't she sweet)


Look at me...I'm so cute

This is how we watch SuperWhy in the mornings...

If you were wondering where I got my blue eyes...wonder no more!

I've done this before...I was half my age last time though!

Walking walking walking!

Splish there are chairs guarding that!

Little Angel Baby

She's got saline drops and savers!  She's sick in this's from today, but still cute!

Time has sure flown by...she's almost a year old...but she's still my baby...I'm guessing she will always be!

Merry Christmas Friends!

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