Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Family Resemblance????

So this one I noticed today.
They've got the same smile going on...


suefoutz said...

oh man! we called that his "happy face" every time we would say the word he would make that face. It was just like Bob said if you give it a name they love to do it for you.

The Skillmans said...

Can I just say how CUTE that Paisley is! Every Sunday I just gush at that girl! And I am not a baby gusher! You guys make one cute family : )

Hfoutz said...

That was our first meeting Suzy...can you believe it?

Oh...Sis. Skillman...you are too sweet...Paisley sure seems to like you too! We won't be at our ward this sunday we'll be in Merlin...but we'll see you after that...P will probably need to wear her pretty Christmas dress for ya!