Friday, December 18, 2009

Paisley, this is YOUR life....

Paisley my dear, here is something to remember the year's been wonderful...captions are under each picture :)

At the hospital right before we got to bring you home 12/20/2008

home and cozy 12/20/2008

1 month old little sweetheart

One month old

2 months old

3 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old

10 months old

11 months old

and finally...the big ONE YEAR OLD

She touched her cake and wasn't interested so Daddy tried to give her some

She wasn't feelin it...

at all...

but she got over it...once we got her out of her chair...she was yelling at us while we cleaned her off though!


She loves Ya Ya

This is Bob at her finest and most comfortable...with little ones...she's got Wyatt Shelman in her arms and she's showing Paisley the dragon and Kenzie is well...watching... (check out her finger...LOL).

We love you are such a sweetheart and this has been one terrific year with you!


vwkat said...

I love how all the way up until her fisrt birthday those pictures hold nothing but smiles. Then she hit one and the tears started flowing. How cute! Love it. Happy (late) Birthday P!
Love Auntie Kate!

wholarmor said...

Such a cute little girl! They grow so fast in a year!
Happy birthday!